Friday, June 15, 2012

Knochel Lake Trip

This past weekend we had a Gibson/Knochel lake trip. I guess I was enjoying Knochel company a little too much because I failed to take any pictures the entire weekend.  Thanks Amanda and Jocelyn for letting me mooch!
We had so much fun... there was kid-free father/daughter boat rides that resulted in a floating the lake session,  there was tons of yummy food (ex: home-aide hummus with mounds of fresh veggies), there was tons of adorable kid watching, and there was lots of catching up with sweet friends. 
Pool activity.
If a truck is near you will find this child.
 Audrey fell out of a big chair but still managed to look precious .
The 'older' kids loved playing with frogs and dressing up like pirates. 
I think he was just told to walk the plank.
The only picture of the entire weekend involving adults.  
Thanks Knochel family for coming out to the lake! It was so fun to share our little piece of heaven and watch all our babes play! I hope we can do it again soon!

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