Thursday, January 23, 2014

Benjamin is 3!!

 Happy Birthday Benjamin!!
"I am 3!"
My little love 1 Hour Old...

 1 Year Old...
 2 Years Old...
 3 Years Old!
 Life with Benjamin is pretty sweet.  He is such a precious, precious child! He loves fearlessly and forgives quickly. He is everyone's best friend and could get along with a wall.  Benjamin can be described as sweet, determined, a rule follower, detailed oriented, kind, giving, and smart! He LOVES a good wrestle with anyone who would be willing to play.  I think I see him contact sports in his future.  We are currently working on not head butting people. (sigh) This for sure includes his little sister. (double sigh) He is normally a great eater but still goes through phases that I feel like he is living off of milk.  We try to stick to a mostly gluten free diet due to his eczema which seems to disappear if we are strict about this.  His speech continues to be something he is still working on. He understands everything we say but struggles with his expressive language. The past few months he has improved tremendously but many times during the day we both have moments of frustration when I can't understand him.  He is starting speech this week and look forward to seeing him grow.  He knows all his numbers, letters, basic shapes, and can count to 12.  Benjamin LOVES school! He runs in his class every time and doesn't look back.
Benjamin's perfect/dream day would be spent at the lake, riding Rocky while sitting next to his Pop eating watermelon while holding a car or plane.
 Benjamin has LOVED my hair since he had the ability to play with it.  I am his walking lovie.
 Benjamin LOVES his cousins! They are truly his best, best friends. 

 Benjamin has really started to be into his little sister.  He takes a lot of pride taking care of her. Every nap/bedtime he makes sure to read her a book, sing her a song, give her a kiss, and tell me to be quite because Rebecca is nigh nigh.  Adorable.

 Oh potty training. We gave this a try a couple of weeks ago and it was a major fail.  He wanted NOTHING to do with his new Lighting McQueen underwear and new potty.  The past few days though he as told me every time he has gone to the potty in his diaper and wants me to change it immediately.  I see us giving the training another go soon and I am hopeful it will be successful this time around!

   Benjamin your heart is gold and you are loved more than you will ever know.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above."


  1. He is just precious! And what a smartie knowing all his letters already! Happy birthday, cute boy! How are you already three??

  2. Happy Birthday Ben! I LOVE that last cute! Such a smarty too :)
