Sunday, December 13, 2015


 We had a fantastic Thankgiving this year! We had tons to be thankful for.
Rebecca had her class party and was so excited I was there to celebrate.
Praying. Or staring off into space in her case.
She does this face anytime she is nervous.
Most of the party she was not very good and kept telling me she wanted to go home.  I had a flashback of Benjamin in the same class 2 years ago.
Side by side.
For Thanksgiving weekend we had a blast at the lake with some of our favorites.
Rebecca loved playing and dancing with Uncle G.

Lake Princesses
Bloody Marys for the win.

Stay little forever you two.
Even a princess takes a fishing break.

Thank you Jesus for my precious family!!
I am thankful for each one of them.

Poor Isaac is surrounded by LOTS of little ladies thinking he is their baby.  Someday when he is 6 feet and towering over them I pray they still love him like a little brother/cousin/baby. 
Girls, tell me everything he does in high school... ok?!?!

Cutest pumpkin ever.
Benjamin wore this outfit when he was a baby too -sniff, sniff.

A stomach bug flew through the entire Gibson family.
Savannah got it before the lake trip, then Amanda, then Audrey.  The night of Thanksgiving poor Benjamin (and I) were up ALLLL night with him throwing up.  Bless him.  With my amazing immune system (sarcasm) I knew I would be the next victim... and I was correct.  Tula, Pop,Will, and G followed 3 days later.
With all that being said, we are so thankful for our health :), family, and the amazing lives we get to live.

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