Has it been 1/2 of a year already!?!
We survived! :)
We went to the doctor a few days ago to get another round of shots (not fun) and Benjamin did great! He is 16 lbs 13 ounces (42%), his head is 44 cm (65%) and is 29 inches long (99%). The doctor said he is the length of a 9 month old. Dang boy. At this rate we might be joining the carnival. :)
At 6 months Benjamin is eating every 4 hours during the day with 2 meals of solids. He consistently sleeps 7:00 - 7:00 every night. Benjamin takes 3 naps a day -- one at 9:00 and two in the afternoon. I am thinking he is about to drop the late afternoon nap.
Benjamin loves eating anything he can get his hands on, chasing Hank, jumping in his jumper, touching faces, and sucking on Sophie. He loves being outside, listening to music, and seeing new things. He is a super cuddly baby but only with a select few, I happen to be one of the chosen ones. Benjamin has started to have 'stranger anxiety' when we are around anyone new or unfamiliar. He is wearing 9 month clothes and size 1-2 diapers.
This picture accurately shows how long this boy is!

Here he was waiting for the doctor to come in.

He knew what was about to happen....

Benjamin loves his hands.

As precious as my little man is, he still has his dramatic moments. He can be laughing one moment and "fake fussing" the next. I wonder where he gets this? Will and I get a kick out of it!

He LOVES to stand. When he stands his feet HAVE to be touching. It is the most hilarious thing ever. It doesn't matter how far you angle him down or turn him... those feet are staying together.

Last week, Benjamin and I headed to Mckinney to celebrate Tula's birthday. We had so much fun swimming, hanging out with some of our favorites, and eating yummy food.
Benjamin loved some special time in the pool with his Pop.

Pool fun.

Most of the gang.

Love this pic of Uncle Rett and Luke.

Benjamin loves his Uncle Grant!
Ben is sad Uncle Grant will be heading back to college soon.

Tough life kid.

Classic Ben moment...

andddd two seconds later....

Luke and Benjamin love each other.
Luke insisted they both wear hats while playing.

I am bummed I didn't get a better picture documenting this moment but it will have to do. My mom has started a Gibson family tradition, "Tula's Dance Party." Basically all we do is my mom turns on music and we dance around the house. Luke and Benjamin LOVEDD it. For the next two days all Luke would say was "Tula's dance party, Tula's dance party." It was so much fun to let lose and dance like no one was watching! What a fun Tula these boys have.

The next day we headed to the new aquarium in Grapevine Mills Mall. We tried to get a picture of the boys before heading in but Luke had different plans.
"No pictures, no pictures."

Benjamin loved looking around. He is so observant and really enjoyed being in a new environment.
Our attempt of a group shot.
Something on the floor must have been very interesting.

What a JOY it is being this little guy's mom!!
My cup runneth over.