Wednesday, May 9, 2012

15 Month Check Up

Today was Benjamin's 15 month check up.  With the help of a sleeve of Ritz cracker's, he did great!  The crackers are seen in majority of the follow pictures.
Benjamin is 34 inches tall (98%), weighed in at 23 pounds (32%) and his head is 47 cm (50%).
The doctor commented that he had never seen such a solid baby six-pack before.  Benjamin is super healthy and eats like there is no tomorrow. He still has no teeth but the doctor took a look in his mouth and saw EIGHT about to pop up!! Doesn't that sound like fun!? :) He is still covered in eczema (just like his mama was) and has some new medicine for it. 

Anything involving Pop. Wrestling with Hank. Eating anything, everything. Wheels (Cars, Trucks, Chairs, ect.). Sunglasses from Tula. Bath time. Sleeping with Patches. Pushing buttons on anything he can get his hands on. Drinking (unsuccessfully) from cups. Climbing up on chairs/beds/sofas. Making the kiss sound when he wants a kiss (precious). Exploring outside. 
Diaper changes (sigh). 

As seen in the pictures below my little man STILL isn't walking.  He shows no interest in it... bends his knees when I try to practice, fake sleeps when Will attempts to practice, ect.  Bottom line. We want Ben happy.  We believe Ben will be happier once he walks. I will walk through every and any door if it could help Benjamin.  Today my doctor recommended he have a physical therapy consult.  As a special ed teacher, I have gone through my list of things that could be causing this delay and I've got nothing.  I know Benjamin will eventually walk and is physically/cognitively there.  I am praying my strong Benjamin will decide to walk soon... that's just it, he has to DECIDE to walk.  In the meantime we are going to follow the doctor's orders and get some tools to help us along.  A PT consult isn't the end of the world but it has definitely been a learning experience for me.  It has humbled me as a mother.  Made me cry for parents who have actual precious special needs children.  It has taught me that being a parent is tough stuff and I have only just begun.  
Each child is unique.  Each child grows differently.  I wouldn't change a thing about my strong, long, lean love.

Drinking (an empty) adult glass.

Cool Dude
Hour 2 of "put glasses on mommy" game.
Eating his first puffy Cheetos.
Thanks Auntie Steph!
Benjamin's newest trick is crawling on Mom and Dad's bed to enjoy his snack.

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