My little darling is 2 months old!
This time last month my days were filled with tears, doctor's appointments, sleepless (crying) nights, and a very sick baby. This month has been filled with smiles, lots of playing, sleepless (but happy!) nights, and a healthy baby.
(2 month doctor appointment is next week so I will post stats then)
Loves: being talked to, baths, eating, having lotion put on by her brother, staring a fans, being swaddled with her hands up, watching anything in front of her (tv, mobile, play mat)
Not a fan of: having her clothes/diaper changed, taking her medicine, the car
Rebecca is a very joyful child! She only cries for a reason and it can typically be fixed. This is very new to me because her brother would cry and cry for no reason. She wakes up everyday with a smile, eats, plays for about an hour, and then is ready to be put back down. She typically eats every 3 hours during the day and gives me a longer stretch at night. Rebecca isn't the best night sleeper (Ben was a rock star night sleeper at this age!) and rarely gives me longer than a 5 hour stretch. She is still pretty inconsistent especially at night. We try to have her fed and down by 10 and she is up anywhere from 1-4 and then 6-8. Sometimes she goes right back to sleep after I fed her and sometimes plays/cries for an hour - once again every night is different. Good thing she is so cute. :)

The start of month two was pretty brutal still. We were trying to get her reflux under control and playing around with her meds.
Luke was very helpful and surrounded her with 'friends to make her happy.'
Slowly but surly her meds started to kick in...
I was able to find random things to sooth her.
First random object- a toy vacuum at Elizabeth's house that we ended up taking home with us and she slept with for a few days.
Then super meds kicked in and our girl was a completely different baby!
(Thank you Jesus!)
Rebecca was able to enjoy baths...
listen to anyone who would talk...
have sweet dreams...
and finally get all dolled up!
The first two months have been challenging but super rewarding. I fall more in love with Rebecca everyday and am filled with joy anytime I see that gummy grin!!
Here are my two babies at 2 months old - crazy how much they look alike!
She's precious! Glad to hear things are going better with her tummy :) I feel you on the sleep issues, neither of my boys gave me more than 3-4 hours straight at night until they were eating's rough! Thank goodness she's so darn cute and it's a short phase and doesn't last years!