Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rebecca Portraits + Well Visit

While we we were in Rosemary Beach my sister snapped some pictures of my little darling that turned out wonderfully.

  Last week we went to the pediatrician for Rebecca's well visit.  As always, she danced and ate the majority of time we waited.  Within 2 minutes of Dr. Burton examining her he called her 'charismatic.' 
Rebecca is 29 3/4 inches long (75%), weighs 20 pounds and 13 ounces (65%), and her head is 18.75 inches (90%).
 I expressed some concerns with her gross motor skills and he agreed that I go have her checked out.  This Monday I had her evaluated through ECI to see what they thought.  They looked at every area of development and we went from there.  Here is the thing, you put ANY kid in a testing situation and they will have one area that they struggle with.  Rebecca's area just happens to be the most noticeable in babies.  She tested that of a 15 month old in personal/social areas, communication, problem solving, fine motor, and cognitive.  The ECI team confirmed what I already knew - she is brilliant :) just slow in the moving area.
This week we start PT and I know in 6 months my girl will be running around like a champ.  
Rebecca has one tooth she grew the last day at the beach.  She wears 12/18 month clothes, and size 4 diapers. She naps twice a day (sometimes 3 depending on how long the first two are) and sleeps around 11 hours at night.  Rebecca has yet to meet a food she doesn't like and enjoys drinking like a big girl with her straw cups. We are on day 3 of no bottles or formula!
Rebecca LOVES her brother and wants to do anything involving him.  She scoots around all over the place on her behind. Rebecca is a big time dancer, and loves music.  She has proven to be a big time water baby and is fearless.  Last week she scooted neck deep at the pool and splashed like a crazy lady.  I kept having to put her back on the splash pad part and within a minute she was back to being neck deep.  She had all the moms cracking up!  She will wear sunglasses ALL day long if I let her, and  keeps bows on her head.  She isn't a fan of having her diaper changed or church nursery.
 You can see that tiny tooth on the bottom.
 We are on week 4 of me being called to the nursery at church.  I took this picture 30 minutes after I got her from the room and you can still she the red patches all over her face from crying. I think she might love me a little too much. :)
 We love life with our Rebecca!

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