Tuesday, March 6, 2012

For Sale!

This past weeks pictures are very random but cute none the less. 
We have been pretty busy in the Schmid house.  Saturday a "For Sale" sign was put in our front yard and we are so excited to see what the next chapter of our lives will bring.  We are praying for a cute new family to come buy the house we have become a family in.  We have been busy, busy getting our house in order! 
Benjamin, of course, is clueless. :)

Benjamin has been "helping" with the chores around the house.  For some reason he insists on wearing hats all weekend long.  I think he sees Will wearing them... precious.  

My dear friend Stephanie took Monday off to come spend the day with Benjamin.
Who knew a walk and pizza could be so much fun? Stephanie is so special to me and I love knowing my children will have her in their lives.

Tula also came to visit last week.  She was going through Benjamin withdrawals (I think it had been a week. ha!) and needed a fix.  After lunch I came outside to find this picture.  I love the placement of his hand.  
My favorite lady and my favorite little man. 

Story time with Daddy.  Thanks Memaw for the Abby book, it has been a huge hit!!

 In an effort to cleanse my house to become buyer friendly, I came across some bubbles from my wedding reception.  Who knew bubbles could live for 3 years?  They have proved to be quite the entertainment.  Benjamin loves to pop and chase them all around the house.

Here he is being cute on the way to dinner Saturday night.

After church on Sunday the wind was going crazy.  We rolled the windows down and Benjamin loved it!  His hair was going crazy and he couldn't believe it was standing straight up.  He laughed and laughed.  I think  I might have been crying taking this picture.  Tears of joy watching my little baby loving life... there is no better feeling!

I had my blood taken last week and brought my right-hand man with me.  He was so good!  The nurse looked down at him and said, "He sure is adorable but where the heck are his teeth!?" haha. 
Don't worry, his baby dentures are ordered and will be delivered next week.

Benjamin loves to 'share' any food you might be eating.  I am a huge fan of cereal and eat at least two bowls a day.  The second he hears the rustle of a cereal bag he hurries to the kitchen to make sure he gets his share.  I think I might have another cereal lover in the family.


1 comment:

  1. yay for moving and good luck with selling your house! Benjamin is as cute as ever, even with no teeth :)
