Thursday, November 7, 2013

4 Month Doctor Appointment

Rebecca had her 4 month well visit this morning and did great!
She is 13 pounds 2 ounces (20-30%), 26 1/2 inches long (95%+) and her head is 16 1/2 inches (80-90%).  Which of course needed a bow on for the check up. :)
 At 4 months, Ben weighed 14 pounds 4 ounces (50%), his head was 42 cm (50%) and he was 27 inches (95%+). 
 Here they are side to side still looking pretty similar - both long and lean.
 Her current favorite sock monkey kept our Bizzy busy while we waited for the doctor/while Mommy talked to the doctor. The doctor was impressed with her neck strength and tummy time skills. He also thought she should be sleeping longer at night.  I told him I keep telling her that and she just isn't listening.
Here she is post shots.   

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