Monday, November 18, 2013

Big Boy Bed (Update)

I jinxed myself by blogging/bragging about Benjamin's transition to a big boy bed. 
Friday Benjamin discovered his freedom and by Sunday he was fully taking advantage of it.  We went from him staying in his bed until 7:00 and I came up to his room to now waking up at 5:45 getting out of bed, turning his sound maker off, coming downstairs and tapping me on my head. :) Getting him to fall asleep now takes Will and I putting him back in bed 10 times.  A night light has been installed and a clock that turns green telling him he can come downstairs ordered. 
As annoying as this whole transition thing is he is pretty adorable.  Benjamin is my little rule follower, color inside the lines, no dirt on my hands kind of kid.  He NEVER once jumped in his crib so the fact that he is loving his new found freedom is hysterical. (Example: After waking up at 5:45 AM he pronounces at 6:00 AM he is going back nigh nigh. He tells Rebecca nigh nigh, Mommy nigh nigh, Hank nigh nigh, and Daddy nigh nigh.  He walks up the stairs, closes his bedroom door, turns his sounds maker on, crawls into bed, puts his covers on, closes his eyes for a whole two seconds then gets up comes out of his room and pronounces he is up.) I am hopeful that the novelty will wear off soon and he will return to sleeping til 7!
Rebecca Sleeping Update: Our girl is sleeping through the night!!! Yeah! (I consider sleeping through the night to be 11-12 hours) We are one full week in of our girl sleeping 7ish to 7ish! Yeah yeah yeah!! Funny the day my baby sleeps through the night my toddler decides not to. :) Crazy to think one day Will and I will have to WAKE THEM because they are sleeping in too late... I think I will enjoy my tiny babes the way they are right now.

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